Standing atop layers of Paleozoic strata in Glacier NP MT, age 11

Measuring strike-and-dip of Cenozoic sediments in the Italian Apennines, undergraduate off-campus studies program, age 20

Holocene Meteor Crater near Winslow AZ, aged to perfection
Meet the founder, Roy Luck
My career ambition is to further energy supply, by applying personal interests in geology and business. More specifically, I help investors (technically- and/or non-technically-inclined) understand subsurface risks and opportunities, for the purpose of allocating capital for energy production. Geoscience is an enabler for oil & gas, and increasingly energy transition applications such as geothermal renewable, battery metals, hydrogen and CCS*.
I became interested in geology in 7th grade, after multiple road trips visiting national parks across the western United States and Canada, from my home state of Ohio. I majored in geology as an undergraduate at Carleton College (Northfield MN), and completed an M.Sc. in Geological Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin. An internship with Mobil Oil in Houston, combined with a mining-oriented M.Sc. thesis, pointed me in the direction of the private sector. I’ve never looked back. The combination of geoscience, economics and politics in the energy industry is fascinating!
My career began with Royal Dutch Shell PLC in The Netherlands, and I subsequently lived as an expatriate in Lagos, Nigeria. Upon return to Houston, I worked for internal Shell consultancies and operating units until 2014, when I moved to ConocoPhillips for exposure to 'unconventional' resource development (a.k.a. horizontal drilling + hydraulic fracturing in low-permeability reservoirs). In recent years, I completed an Executive MBA at Texas A&M University, and consulted for multiple clients in the United States and elsewhere.
I have contributed as designated geoscientist, on multi-disciplinary asset teams responsible for project maturation from appraisal to sanction and beyond, for 20+ years. This includes deep water, conventional, unconventional, and heavy oil production settings … USA domestic, and international ... totaling 3+ billion barrels-equivalent resources, and $20+ billion in capital investment.
I live in the northwest Houston suburb of Cypress with my wife, two sons (actually one now, the older one attends UT-Austin), and a black lab. We’ve been here 17 years.
*CCS - Carbon Capture and Sequestration
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