As a renewable energy source, geothermal lags more familiar wind and solar energy sources in terms of installed capacity. However, geothermal has advantages of 1) being non-intermittent, and 2) needing a smaller surface footprint per unit of power generation. Challenges include high up-front capital costs (primarily drilling), and local variation of resource intensity*.
Currently, geothermal energy is a niche application, accounting for <0.5% (~3.9 GW) of US electric generating capacity. However, technology is improving, including adoption of oil & gas drilling/completions technology for Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) applications ... such as induced fracturing of hot dry rock, and heat loops. By 2050, geothermal could produce 5+% of US electricity, and capture significant market share for direct/district heating.
Renewable Portfolio Standards at federal and state levels provide a catalyst for geothermal investment in domestic and international markets. Geothermal also offers potential to reduce energy poverty in many developing countries worldwide, where geothermal gradients are high.
Significant parallels exist between project maturation workflows for oil & gas and geothermal energy. These involve analog studies and competitive intelligence at early stages, data collection and integration at intermediate stages, and reservoir simulation at late stages leading into project sanction.
It may not be practical for firms to maintain all technical capabilities full-time.
APEX Subsurface Consulting can help!
The founder is well-connected in professional organizations such as Geothermal Rising and the Society of Petroleum Engineers … with a network that includes top-notch specialist talent in geoscience and related disciplines.
*Wind and solar potential varies little over distances of 100s of km; conventional geothermal potential may vary over <1 km, depending on proximity to geologic faults.

Unfamiliar with geothermal? Download a summary presentation!
Geothermal Subsurface Needs
Resources assessment at regional/local scales; for 'conventional geothermal' where are hotspots in terms of geothermal gradient and permeability?
Due diligence for financiers
Heat flow forecasts based on local hydrogeology
Proof-of-concept for ... and implementation of ... EGS, with natural + induced permeability networks
The Offering
✅ Competitive intelligence for 'energy transition' investors unfamiliar with geothermal space
✅ Third-party technical review
✅ Regional and local opportunity screening
✅ Subsurface input for Front-End Engineering and Design (FEED), pre-sanction
Value at Every Stage
For conventional geothermal, exploration starts with literature search (typically involving surface fault maps) and 'zeroes in' on candidate locations using a combination of datasets including aerial LIDAR surveys, surface soil sampling, Magnetotelluric (MT) data acquisition, and test boreholes to establish geothermal gradient. Geoscience data acquisition, integration and interpretation are critical to reduce uncertainty and secure financing.
For EGS applications, exploration involves targeting lithologies at sufficient depth/temperature with optimal geomechanical properties. Natural hydrothermal systems are not a requirement.
If analog and empirical data appear favorable, reservoir simulation may be required to support robust economic assessments across a full range of uncertainty. Model output feeds directly into cash flows and economic forecasting. Modeling may entail static/geologic modeling and dynamic simulation.
The philosophy is comparable to integrated reservoir modeling in the oil & gas industry, although some variables are different. The founder led an initiative related to integrated reservoir modeling at a major oil & gas producer, focused on workflow streamlining and standardization for uncertainty reduction and development optimization.